Corporate Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is an important part of the culture at Oest. We take our responsibility seriously and help the weakest members of our society by promoting a range of charitable institutions and projects for children and young people. We make it our business to give hope to children and young people who are in need, who are ill or who suffer from a physical or mental disability and to improve their quality of life as much as we can.
Specifically, we support the following projects:
Flying Hope

Alexander A. Klein, Chairman of the Board at Oest, provides his support as a co-pilot.
Children Help Children (Kinder helfen Kindern)

As part of the Children Help Children (Kinder helfen Kindern) campaign, children, parents and grandparents every year wrap up packages of toys, art and craft supplies and clothing for children from children's homes, who would otherwise not receive a gift at Christmas. We once again sent 23 packages to Eastern Europe for the latest Children Help Children campaign.
Rotary - Stop Polio Now

The number of cases of polio has fallen dramatically since 1985, but the fight against the disease is not over. Polio is an infectious disease that can be deadly. A polio vaccine costs less than €0.50 and protects a child throughout its life.
The Eigensinn Foundation – helping children find their way in life

Everyone wants a meaningful and fulfilling life. Help to change life stories and give children a new chance.
Let children find their way – their own way.
Donate Instead of Presents (Spenden statt schenken – SOS Kinderdorf)

Special occasions are the perfect opportunity to demonstrate social commitment. Whether founding a company or celebrating an anniversary or special occasion such as Christmas, the best present is a smiling child. A donation giving children the chance of a better future is a meaningful and lasting alternative to expensive Christmas presents.
That is why Oest supports this campaign every year:
DKMS - German bone marrow donor database

DKMS stands for German bone marrow donor database and its vision is: We will defeat blood cancer. The German bone marrow donor database wants to find a suitable donor for every blood cancer patient or provide access to therapies - anywhere in the world.