Oest Academy
Realising capabilities – taking chances

We foreground in our conceopt of apprenticeship and advanced training the intermediation of expert knowledge, the individual advancement according to the personal abilities and targets. With the Oest Academy we have expanded and structured this ambition in order to allow all employees to develop further and to achieve personal career targets by receiving certain qualifications. We invented different personnel development modules for the skilled employees and the managers which may be passed through by further training systematically.
Besides obligatory qualification measurements in the context of safety and quality management, the OEST Academy offers in line with structured appraisals voluntary workshops and further trainings and also assistance measures by means of special projects, job rotation etc.
The completion of an individually planned development will be documented with a certificate which is connected to the recommendation for a continuative personnel development modules e.g. the next technical or executive level. Thereby, new tasks, areas of responsibility and targets are open.
The Oest Academy offers to their employees the best general conditions for advancement, to strengthen the personal abilities and to achieve leadershikp competencies. Individual personnel development measures are applied.
- Educational and academic development
- Internal trainings
- External development measures
- Personal Coaching
- Advancement in foreign languages
- Interdisciplinary collaboration